Forward Observer – Page 7 – Threat Intelligence

Navigate Political, Social, and Economic Upheaval

The United States has entered a period of turbulence and uncertainty.

Forward Observer provides intelligence and security solutions for what’s ahead.


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Products & Services

Early Warning Network

The Early Warning Network bridges the gap between risk intelligence and preparedness.

We help members understand early warning signs of disruption, and then help them prepare through five lines of effort:

  • Achieving Self-Reliance
  • Financial Preparedness & Independence
  • Strategic Relocation
  • Building Resilient Communities
  • The Early Warning Ham Radio Network

From the CEO of Forward Observer:

I’m a former soldier, Intelligence NCO, and contractor.  I left the Intelligence Community in 2012 over concerns of where the country was headed, and later founded Forward Observer as a way to track radical, revolutionary, and extremist groups involved in “Low Intensity Conflict” in the United States.

Low Intensity Conflict is the model for the current unrest that will result in greater disruption and violence, likely lasting well into the decade. It exists below conventional war, but above routine, peaceful competition. It’s the “gray area” between war and peace.

Luckily, intelligence reduces uncertainty about the future.  Our readers understand the value of intelligence, and they rely on our analysis to keep them informed about the future.  I hope you will too.

– Mike Shelby