Early Warning-1 – Forward Observer
Early Warning – Subscribe
WARNING: What you’re about to read will change your life.

They’ve worked in the shadows, held the world’s most sensitive secrets, and enabled the U.S. government to stay ahead of global developments — even if politicians ignored their warnings.

Now, for the first time, a team of intelligence veterans is stepping forward to level the playing field for everyday Americans.

Whether you’re preparing for future catastrophe, safeguarding your business, protecting your loved ones, or fortifying your community, our insights are your Early Warning system.

Early Warning intelligence briefs have a proven track record of warning subscribers before big events occur.

But the proof is in the pudding, as they say

Early Warning was early on COVID.
In December 2019, Forward Observer Founder and CEO Mike Shelby warned Early Warning subscribers of a new highly contagious virus that had popped up in China.

By mid-January 2020, he was citing Chinese airline data that showed Chinese authorities were knowingly putting COVID-positive patients on flights to the United States.

On January 22nd 2020, he told subscribers that he was selling off his portfolio due to what he believed was an impending market crash. The S&P 500 experienced days of nearly 8% losses, 10% losses, and 13% losses just over a month later. (Mike is not a financial professional, does not provide financial advice, and Early Warning is not a financial newsletter.)

Of course, the rest is well-documented history.
Early Warning provided daily intelligence reporting throughout “Floyd’s Rebellion”.
Also deemed the “Summer of Love,” Mike and the Early Warning team published hundreds of daily intel briefs on protests, riots, extremist groups, and political violence during the summer of 2020 and into 2021.

Map of chapters of one armed left wing extremist group

An executive summary slide detailing U.S.-based armed left wing extremists returning from combat in Syria

A weekly snapshot detailing plans for left wing political violence over the weekend.

For well over a year, we warned of thousands of scheduled riots and protests across the country, hundreds of left wing direct action demonstrations and cases of political violence, and close to a hundred chapters of various armed left wing extremist groups involved in the riots.
Early Warning was early on inflation.
In October 2020, Mike began warning subscribers that short-term deflation would eventually subside and pointed out the rising risk of inflation.

He then developed a list of traders, investors and hedge fund managers with a track record of accurate market calls — a list he deemed “Smart Money” — and regularly included their perspective and outlooks in Early Warning — which was far more accurate than mainstream and financial media outlets.
Early Warning was early on the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
On November 24th 2021, the Early Warning team warned the Russians would invade Ukraine and spelled out why we believed this would happen.

On the same day, we even published a video on YouTube entitled, “War in 90 Days”. (It only received 17k views, unfortunately.)

The Russian invasion started exactly 90 days later, on February 24th 2022.
Surprise is the enemy.
This country is going to face another national emergency.

It could be another summer of riots, a contested or failed presidential election, a financial crisis, another catastrophic world war, or some other highly disruptive event.

At some point, the unthinkable is going to happen again.

When that emergency hits, consider these two scenarios.
In the first scenario, you lack critical information about what’s really happening.
You have more questions than answers, and you have no clue what’s coming next.

Or worse, you’re being fed bad information that separates your perception from reality.

And you suffer directly as a result.

Your awareness suffers, your preparedness suffers, and maybe your personal and family safety suffers.

It’s a down right dangerous situation.
Now consider a second scenario: you’re getting daily Early Warning intelligence briefs throughout the emergency.
You have perspective and insight into what happens next.

You can plan your day around what’s happening and minimize your risk.

And you can prepare for anticipated conditions in the hours and days ahead.

That’s an ideal situation for anyone going into the next emergency.
The Early Warning team is working to uncover the next big risk event.

Meet the Early Warning Team:

Max Morton is a retired Marine Corps Lieutenant Colonel and a former CIA Paramilitary Operations Officer. He’s our Strategic Warning analyst who looks at geostrategic developments and the risk of war.

Robert Cook is a former Army All-Source Intelligence Analyst with experience in Iraq and the Middle East. He has a Master’s degree in Grand Strategy, and he’s the Domestic and Political Warning Analyst.

Jared Vance is a former Navy Electronic Warfare Instructor and Technician. He’s our Defense Analyst who focuses on naval issues.

Harrison Burge is a former Air Force Missile Warning officer. After the military, he worked as an oil and gas analyst, and a financial analyst. He now runs Forward Observer’s Financial Intelligence team.

Mike Shelby is a former Intelligence NCO and contractor, and a veteran of Iraq (x1) and Afghanistan (x2). He founded Forward Observer in 2016 to bring vital Early Warning intelligence to those who need it most: the American People
What are current members saying about
Early Warning?

“Absolutely outstanding. Greatly appreciate the color coded chart at the beginning, the ultimate in quick reference and outstanding visual of exactly what you think… Unquestionably the best information and analysis out there bar none, allowing your readers to prepare accordingly.”

– Grant in Florida


“Your report covered most of the info that I have been looking for… Reading your report was like putting it all together to view the whole picture.”

– Ken in Armed Forces Pacific


I’m favorably impressed with this new weekly digest thing.”

– Michael in Washington


That was an absolutely great analysis of information that impacts the homeland! I love having this, plus my daily briefing. Seriously helps get information correlated. Great job!”

– Brian in Texas


I love it! I love the style of writing, the graphics are easy to understand and it’s well organized. I also love how the threat level is assigned.”

– Karyn in Florida


“The [Early Warning Report] is a welcome addition and appreciate the insights. As always, y’all are out ahead of the general media.”

– Randy in Texas


Your information takes away all the hype and speculations from other presenters. I really like this [Early Warning Report]. Easy to understand and a quick read.”

– Michael in North Carolina


“Really appreciate the domestic focus on this new report. Forward Observer just keeps getting better!

– Austin in Colorado


“Awesome report that covers the spectrum… I have never liked the hair on fire doom people and y’all really cut through the b.s. Thanks.”

– Tanner in Texas


“I think this is a great addition and signed up today… Thanks for another great product!

– Michael in Virginia


“You can’t find this quality and timeliness of intelligence for anywhere else for the price. This work is top notch.”

– Cory in North Carolina

What’s in an Early Warning annual membership?

Get 52 issues of the indispensable Early Warning Report read by intelligence and risk professionals, hedge funds, geopolitical analysts, hedge fund analysts, and concerned Americans.

PLUS get access to 52 live presentations and hear directly from the analysts themselves.

Can’t catch the live briefing? No problem!

Each live briefing is recorded and archived in audio, so catch the Early Warning Podcast on the go. Or use our on-demand video service to stream the Early Warning video presentation at your convenience.

The Early Warning Library is a growing compendium of intelligence briefings, reports, documents, and other media to expand your frame of reference and depth of knowledge on intelligence, security, geopolitics, economics and finance, extremist groups, and more.
Join Early Warning today and get these bonuses:

Unrestricted Warfare is a study authored by two Chinese Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) Colonels in the 1990s.

It’s effectively a manual on how to remove the limits to warfare and defeat the United States.

When you sign up today, we’ll send you a PDF link to download Mike Shelby’s summary of the book and his personal notes on the topic.

($29 Value)

In the Summer of 2021, Mike Shelby did a deep dive study into what actually triggers hyperinflation.

While he believes hyperinflation is not likely in the near term, he compiled a “survival guide” that includes unique thinking on how to prepare and even become wealthy during periods of hyperinflation.

This is not your typical “just buy gold” financial study!

($149 Value)

You’ll also get access to the Forward Observer book summary of The Dragons and the Snakes: How the Rest Learned to Fight like the West by warfare strategist David Kilcullen.

In this book, Kilcullen documents how the Dragons (Russia and China) and terrorist groups and guerrillas (the Snakes) learned from and adapted to the static U.S. way of war.

($29 Value)

Here’s what we’re covering in this week’s
Early Warning report:

Ever wished you had a crystal ball so you could peer into the future?

We don’t have magic or a crystal ball, but we do have a team of analysts dedicated to identifying and assessing future risk, so you can be better prepared to tackle disruption and disaster.

Ready to Vanquish the Element of Surprise?

Join Below and Get Instant Access to Early Warning, plus immediate access to $207 worth of bonuses.

30 Day No Questions Asked Guarantee!

Forward Observer Copyright 2023