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Battle Tracking Louisville
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The End of the Dollar? History Says Yes.
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Five Steps to Setting Up a Local Intelligence Network
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What’s Next for the Urban Insurgencies
For the past couple months, I’ve been hitting some old counterinsurgency standby’s. The last time I read most of the these manuals and books was prior to deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. Somehow insurgency followed us back. Given that the reelection of President Trump is likely to blow wide open these urban insurgencies, it’s long […]
100 DAYS: Developing Local Intelligence
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The Jungle Grows Back
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2021: Expanding the Socialist Insurgency
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Is this a revolution?
Last night, a veteran friend and I were talking about our takes on the protests and riots. Is this a civil war? A revolution? A rebellion or insurrection? My initial assessment is that this actually is a revolution, in the sense of the Maidan or Tahrir Square, where organizers attempt to foment a popular uprising […]
Where do we go from here? Riot Edition
Are these protests and riots the beginning of something larger in our country’s low intensity conflict? I’m going to try to answer that question here in a few points… First, let’s start with a simple fact: These riots are what we consider “low intensity conflict,” which exists below the threshold of conventional war (tanks and […]