Emergency Webinar – Forward Observer

Emergency Webinar

Good morning! Mike Shelby here, and here’s what’s on my radar… Emergency Webinar

If you haven’t seen the news today, things are getting a little spicy.

Last night (our time), Japan experienced the worst stock market crash since 1987’s Black Monday (down 12%).

U.S. markets are faring little better, shedding $2 trillion dollars of market cap as of this morning.

Markets tend to bounce back and stabilize after big drawdowns, so maybe this is nothing.

But just in case this is something — maybe the start of Global Financial Crisis 2.0 — I’m holding an emergency webinar tomorrow night.

Tuesday @ 7:00pm Central — tomorrow night — I’m opening my intelligence playbook to discuss three mission-critical topics:

1. Area Study Overview

2. Developing Local Intelligence Networks

3. Developing Your Intelligence Capabilities

Even if what’s happening today isn’t “the big one,” that day is coming.

And this stuff will be on the test.

Register Here: https://event.webinarjam.com/register/2/mz64viz

I’ll be showing you a presentation I’ve never shared before, and it will be well worth your time.

All I ask in return is that you act on what you learn. Do the things, as they say.

In the meantime, reply with any questions you have so I can work those into the training presentation.

I’ll see you tomorrow night?

Until next time, be well and stay out front.

Always Out Front,

Mike Shelby

P.S. – The #1 thing you can do prior to the November elections is a local Threat Assessment. Get a free copy of the 15-Minute Threat Assessment Guide here: https://areaintelligence.com

Mike Shelby is a former Intelligence NCO and contractor. He's now the CEO of Forward Observer.

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