Global SITREP for Tuesday, 11 June 2024 – Forward Observer

Global SITREP for Tuesday, 11 June 2024

Good morning, and welcome to the Global Situation Report for Tuesday, 11 June 2024.

  • Global Rollup
    • India recently led a tabletop military exercise with Taiwan and U.S. think tanks. The exercise simulated simultaneous action on the India-China border and the Taiwan Strait.
    • China’s Northwestern Polytechnic University is developing biomimetic submersible drones for armed reconnaissance missions. The current batch mimics manta rays and can conduct 60-day missions. 
    • South Korean troops fired warning shots after 20 North Korean troops crossed into the Demilitarized Zone Sunday afternoon. The South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff said the North Koreans likely wandered over by mistake as they were carrying tools through a wooded area and immediately headed north after the warning shots. 

THAT’S A WRAP: This does it for today’s edition. Thank you for reading. If you know folks who would also like to receive this email, would you please forward it to them? We appreciate you spreading the word. – M.S.

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